Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Assignment 1-3 (Summary)

The article I have chosen to analyze for Assignment 1-3 is “Moments of Zen in the Art of Fake News”. It is a book review on a book that praises the television program, “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart”. The program airs on Comedy Central late-night along with the similar program, “The Colbert Report” hosted by Stephen Colbert.

The article compares Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert with famous historical figures such as Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, and Sam Adams. While most people would write these shows off as mere comedy acts, the article points out that they are actually much more. They are evoking critical thinking skills in their audiences and are awakening a healthy level of cynicism in their viewers. This is because they are constantly exposing the many ways politicians and the mainstream media “are trying to hide, spin, or manipulate the facts.”

This article is a fascinating take on the “art of fake news” and really opened my eyes to the impact Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have on society. While it is impossible to measure how much they influenced our election this year, I think it is safe to say a lot more people voted and made an informed decision because of these “fake” news programs.

Reference:Saul, M. (2008). [Review of the book The Daily Show and Philosophy: Moments of Zen in the Art of Fake News]. The Journal of Popular Culture, 41(4), 737-739. Retrieved from OhioLink Electronic Journal Center on October 6, 2008.

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